Lab 2.2

In this lab you're going to examine several example queries and determine which compound index will best service them.
> db.people.find({
    "address.state": "Nebraska",
    "last_name": /^G/,
    "job": "Police officer"
> db.people.find({
    "job": /^P/,
    "first_name": /^C/,
    "address.state": "Indiana"
  }).sort({ "last_name": 1 })
> db.people.find({
    "address.state": "Connecticut",
    "birthday": {
      "$gte": ISODate("2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"),
      "$lt": ISODate("2011-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")
If you had to build one index on the people collection, which of the following indexes would best sevice all 3 queries?

Choose the best answer.

  • { "address.state": 1, "job": 1 } - No - As this can able to serve all 3 of the example queries, however a better index that can be used on the first query, and the second query has to do an in-memory sort.
  • { "address.state": 1, "job": 1, "first_name": 1 } - No - this index is better than the first, but doesn't help with the sort on the 2nd query.
  • { "address.state": 1, "last_name": 1, "job": 1 } - Yes - This is the best one. It index matches the first query, can be used for sorting on the second, and has an prefix for the 3rd query.
  • { "job": 1, "address.state": 1 } - No - It can only be used by the first two queries.
  • { "job": 1, "address.state": 1, "first_name": 1 } - No - It is better than the previous one, but cannot be used by the 3rd query at all.
  • { "job": 1, "address.state": 1, "last_name": 1 } - No - this index has the same issues as the index directly above it.


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