Question 1

Which of these statements is/are true?

  • You can index multiple array fields in a single document with a single compound index - False 
    Multikey indexes allow us to index on array fields, but they do not support indexes on multiple array fields on single documents.
  • Covered queries can sometimes still require some of your documents to be examined - False
    A query is covered if and only if it can be satisfied using the keys of the index.
  • Write concern has no impact on write latency - False
    Different write concerns can certainly impact your write latency. Write concerns that only need acknowledgment from a primary are generally faster than ones that need acknowledgment from a majority of replica set members.
  • Creating an ascending index on a monotonically increasing value creates index keys on the right-hand side of the index tree - True
  • A collection scan has a logarithmic search time - False
    No, collection scans have a linear search time.


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