Lab 1.1

Welcome to your first lab in M201! In this lab you're going to install MongoDB Enterprise 3.4 and import the people dataset.

While MongoDB Enterprise is available as part of the MongoDB Enterprise Advanced subscription it's permitted to be ran outside of production environments.

In order to install MongoDB you're going to need to head over to our online documentation and follow the instructions on installing MongoDB.

After you've successfully installed MongoDB you should start a standalone server. Once your sever is up and running you should be able to download the people.json handout and import it with mongoimport. Make sure to import the documents into the m201 database and the people collection.

To confirm that you've successfully completed these steps run the following query on the m201 database from the mongo shell and paste it's output into the submission area below:

> db.people.count({ "email" : {"$exists": 1} })
Answer: 50474

Installed MongoDB & start it & imported people collection into m201 db.

Executed the above command:


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